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The Great Commission And Liberty

Later on, I was introduced to the argument for privatization, “armed and neutral.” And personal moral autonomy since my Christian reformed Baptist is primarily a guide and motivation for my purpose in design in this world, but ultimately, still the most important reason to me. . another way of putting it is my conviction that life in the wound is more valuable than being a capitalistic society. My conviction takes precedence over my potential for fiscal security and prosperity. Coming back to this fundamental value is what leads me to ponder the topic of this article, the relationship between liberty and the great commission. To begin, we must think of the question: what kind of things could potentially end or the completion of the great commission?

I will not make arguments for my view of the great commission. I will just tell you what my view is and go from there. The great commission is completed by having a believer in every tribe (see the Heavenly scene in Rev. 5), and once the commission is completed, Christ is able to come back and is likely to come back quickly after that (See Mark 16:15). Now that we have caught up on my mission missiology and how it relates to my eschatology (theology of the last days), we can break down what could keep us from that. My answer can be broken down to two categories:

  1. Domestic hindrances

  2. Foreign hindrances

Domestic Hindrances

  1. Persecution of the church and supporter/sender countries like America and South Korea.

  2. The forced poverty of Socialism on everyone.

If you are persecuted by the state, you would be focused on what it took to survive. It would be very different and difficult to organize sending people overseas if you are meeting underground, in house churches or attending state churches. Part of that hindrance would be the lack of ability to organize the consistent support that is needed to support full-time mission work.

Let’s say that redistribution of wealth really does come into full affect. Just for the sake of example, let’s say that there is no such thing as making more than $60,000 a year. Anyone who had more cash flow has it stolen to keep up with the status quo of everyone making a “decent” wage. If that were the case, most companies couldn’t function, so only you would make it. Those that do need to be propped up by government funding to stay afloat. The price of millions of goods and services would be fixed by the government guessing the value of things in order to make them affordable at the $60,000 a year income. So because the government is manufacturing prices of the market, and any surplus is stolen, it would be very difficult to store up enough money to find missions. Christians will need to figure out ways to get around the restraints government has put on self-government involuntary benevolence.

I cannot fully explore how this would be in this article. I just want to bring it up so that you can begin to creatively ponder it yourself. This pondering is necessary if we are to have a healthy fear of giving up our liberties in order to be shackled to the government and slaving and restraining well in order to have a ”kind” of certainty.

Foreign Hindrances

In my series the Last Tribe, there are some missionaries trying to reach the last tribe for Christ so that the great commission can be fulfilled. The main hurdle to reaching them is the communist government of China due to the fact that the last tribe is in the outback of China.

If a country was pro-trade in pro-foreign culture, then there would be fewer obstacles for the gospel. As of now, most countries will not let foreigners land. They also require many foreigners to have their business reasons to be in the country. I think that pondering all these hindrances should make Christians care about politics. The more hindered we are, the harder it will be to obey Christ in a call to make disciples of all peoples. Is God still in control if we are hindered? Yes, absolutely, but this doesn't mean that we shouldn’t care about how difficult it will be.

Tim is a Christian author. His worldview that informs his writing is Calvinist, Baptist, and Libertarian. His main series is his Christian picture book series, "About God for Kids", where he discusses the attributes of God in a way kids can digest. He also wrote a Christian Romance novel, libertarian book for beginners, and Christian coloring books. He graduated with a Bachelor's in Biblical Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

He has written a book on freedom called “Are You Free” (If you are into listening to books I have it in audio also, Are You Free Audiobook )and he has written multiple children’s books about God. Be Sure to check out the podcast version of the blog, Labor for Truth Podcast. And check out “The Truth About” Youtube Channel. You can find his works at his amazon author page, He even has a free digital ebook on how God is the creator. Get your free copy today at, Greater Creator .Also If you are into Christian Fiction, he has made his first book in his Futuristic Christian Fiction series free, Her Dying Wish

Tim is a Christian author. His worldview that informs his writing is Calvinist, Baptist, and Libertarian. His main series is his Christian picture book series, "About God for Kids", where he discusses the attributes of God in a way kids can digest. He also wrote a Christian Romance novel, libertarian book for beginners, and Christian coloring books. He graduated with a Bachelor's in Biblical Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

He has written a book on freedom called “Are You Free” (If you are into listening to books I have it in audio also, Are You Free Audiobook )and he has written multiple children’s books about God. Be Sure to check out the podcast version of the blog, Labor for Truth Podcast. And check out “The Truth About” Youtube Channel. You can find his works at his amazon author page, He even has a free digital ebook on how God is the creator. Get your free copy today at, Greater Creator .Also If you are into Christian Fiction, he has made his first book in his Futuristic Christian Fiction series free, Her Dying Wish

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